
→ All in one computers: what are they, pros, cons and models?

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During the last years, the basic PC has been adopting various utilities and forms to fit comfortably in different work areas. This evolution gave rise to the All in One computers, which established the objective of satisfying the needs of places with little available space. However, although it provided some utility, this diversity also generated some confusion when choosing the best model in order to make the work or home environment more efficient.

Apple has played a very important and important role in recent years: it dedicated itself to reinventing the notion of a computer or mobile device to the limit, reaching high levels of balance between ergonomics and design.

Currently, the sector offers a large number of different models of All in One computers, which share the same purpose of offering the user ergonomics, an attractive design and, mainly, covering little space in the work area.

Index of contents

History of All in One computers

Cathode ray tubes were the first known form to be taken by computer screens. Due to the large size of these displays, a computer system consisted of three essential components: the box, the monitor, and the input devices.

As the dimensions of the monitors were reduced, computer companies began to incorporate the computer case into the monitor, thus creating an “All in One”. These new computers were still large in size and generally priced high compared to traditional computers.

An All in One (AIO) computer is characterized by being a traditional computer, but instead accommodates all internal and external hardware components, except the mouse and keyboard, inside the monitor case.

Anyway, and during the first times of the emergence of the AIO, the keyboards were incorporated into the body of the All in One. During the 80's, several personal computers such as the Macintosh 512, Atari 800, Macintosh 128 and Commodore 64, belonged to the AIO group.

The AIO form factor continued its path with the appearance of Mac Classic and Mac Color Classic computers, and later becoming popular with the iMac, appearing on the market in 1998.

The first All in One models did not have large configurations and had minimal demands. To give us an idea, its performance was more similar to that of a mid-range laptop than that of a desktop computer.

The Hewlett Packard HP 9830 computer, released in 1972, was the first All in One computer. Its tiny screen was reminiscent of a calculator, while the keyboard was the team's only means of input. This model did not become popular, surely because it was intended for engineers and scientists.

After several All in One models that had no acceptance, in 1977 the Commodore PET arrived. This model was shipped from the factory with a 9-inch blue and white monitor; and a small keyboard, both built into the computer.

However, the All in One model that received the most approval from users was the Apple iMac. Originally, it came from the factory with a cathode ray monitor, while all the hardware of the equipment came integrated in the lower part of it.

Meanwhile, various designs very similar to the iMac created by various PC manufacturers began to emerge, although they did not know the popularity. With the advent of LCD technology for increasingly smaller sizes and mobile components and displays, All in One computers benefited from even more compact designs.

Today, all the hardware an All in One requires is easily installed behind or below the monitor, which means a huge gain in space.

What are All in One computers?

Computers of the All in One type, contrary to what many think, have been in existence for several years, although they have only become popular a few years ago. We have the most representative example of Apple's iMac, which was created in 1990, starting the generation of "All in One" computers.

The All in One, in terms of functions, can be very similar to desktop computers, although with an important difference: they do not have a box. Which means that both the processor and the RAM, the hard disk, the CD / DVD drive and the connection ports are installed inside the screen.

Taking into account the technical specifications, there are no major differences between an All in One computer and a desktop PC. The great advantage that an All in One offers us, compared to other computers, is that they allow us to save a lot of space on the desk or table where we will support it, since it does not have a box.

In All in One computers we find the components, including the monitor, located in the same container. By concentrating everything inside the box, and without the problem of tangled cables, they are convenient to place on a desk, since only the power cable will be visible. Or at most two cables, if you use Ethernet cable. You won't even see mouse or keyboard cables as they usually come with a wireless connection.

What you get with an All in One computer is an attractive design to the eye, which adapts perfectly to the environment where it is located, both in size and visually.

Being almost the same size as a monitor of that size, although with a slightly greater thickness, all the hardware of an All in One computer should be optimized to the maximum during the manufacturing process so that it occupies the least possible space, but at the same time, it is able to dissipate internal heat effectively.

Do not forget that some AIO models often come without fans, in order to offer quieter operation and to save even more space.

Today, due to the popularity and growth of small mobile devices, All-in-One computers also emerged and began to adopt high-power processors and video cards that allow them to perform all kinds of tasks, even the most intense ones. A clear example of this is the Apple iMacs, which due to the mentioned characteristics, are usually chosen by graphic design professionals.

To the great benefit of a compact size, touch screens have also been added in recent years, which allow operation without the mouse-keyboard kit thanks to the operating systems that are optimized for these screens, such as Windows 10.

It is for these reasons that the All in One are so used in different shops, such as restaurants and shops, that they benefit from the little space they occupy and because they do not require mice or keyboards when they have a touch screen.

All in One vs desktop PCs

There is not much to add when we refer to desktop PCs: for many years they were the default computer to use in a home or office. In reality, the design of desktop computers has not changed much in recent years.

However, a desktop computer allows a high level of customization, especially if it is a PC that was mounted by the user, and this enables it to be updated more regularly. RAM, hard drive, power supply, fans, video card, and other components can all be updated on a desktop computer.

Also, by having more space inside the box, you can install more than one hard drive or optical drive, or even up to two power supplies or other hardware components.

In conclusion, there is nothing more flexible than a desktop PC, since you can choose from a wide variety of peripherals and hardware components available on the market, something that is impossible when we have an All in One or laptop, for which there is less diversity of components and lower performance.

Therefore, with a traditional PC you can get better performance than with an All in One for an affordable budget in a mid-range range. So buying such a computer is surely the most reasonable decision until today.

However, if you do not have enough space on your desk or if you want a computer with an attractive and modern appearance, the most suitable option will be that of an All in One computer, which in addition to its compact size will provide you with a clean installation, without the clutter typical of a traditional computer.

All in One computers belong to the group of desktop computers, although with some differences such as the size and number of components they use.

Unlike classic desktop computers that have a separate case and monitor, the All in One are manufactured with a single case, where the screen is also integrated, forming a computer in a single body. This design makes the All in One take up less space.

Although it is important to clarify that a desktop computer has certain advantages when compared to an All in One. Taking into account its objective of small size, the All in One need to be equipped with mobile-type components that offer a lower performance than the used in desktop computers.

This is because they need smaller components and that in turn generate little heat. However, they resign performance and power, a point that is very taken into account in desktop computers. This means that the components of an All in One will not work with the same performance as those used in a desktop PC.

For a mid-level user this may not be a problem, but more advanced users will notice this performance difference.

Another challenge that All in One computers find themselves with is the possibility of updating components. This is not a problem for desktop computers, as they can be opened from the box and add or replace any hardware component. Something that does not happen with the All in One.

Although we now have peripheral connectors such as USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt that can compensate with the update problem in an All in One, the truth is that in the long term you will notice more and more the difference between a desktop computer that is updated regularly and an All in One that is increasingly limited and obsolete.

All in One vs Laptops

One of the most important reasons that justify the existence of All in One computers is the saving of physical space, although we must not forget the great advances that laptops have been making for several years. Such was the development they obtained, that it is impossible not to make a comparison with the All in One.

Since most of the components used in All in One computers are the same as those used in laptops, it can be seen that the performances are practically the same in both computers. The only thing different that we can find, and that represents an advantage, is a larger screen in the All in One.

On the other hand, laptops offer portability advantages, since while an All in One computer needs to be located on a desk and connected to the power outlet, a laptop can be transported everywhere thanks to its battery and light weight.

PC vs All in One vs Laptop

After we have described the three solutions, it is time to dedicate ourselves to analyzing each one to decide which is the most suitable for the home and office environment. We will not make a comparison between models and brands, but we will focus on analyzing what are the advantages and disadvantages offered by desktop computers, All in One and laptops, in accordance with the demands that the user may have at home or in the office.

Physic structure

In companies that have small spaces, the best solution is to equip the offices with All in One equipment, since in addition to not having huge boxes, they also do not need many cables.

On the side of laptops, they are the ideal option when working outside the home or working in the office and there is a need to move to other places. But in addition to portability, it also has the advantage of size, since they take up even less space than the All in One, albeit with a smaller screen.

As for desktop computers, they are not the most recommended in this regard, since they require more space in the environment where they are going to be installed. These PCs come with boxes, that although they are small, they still need a space where they can be placed. And if that were not enough, they also include a large number of cables from the various peripherals that are installed, which generates a chaos of cables.

The other advantage that both All in One and laptops have is that they include a battery, so they do not need to be connected to the outlet all the time. While a traditional PC constantly needs electrical power, or, failing that, a UPS to be able to stay connected without being connected to the outlet.

Connectivity options

There are not many differences between the te solutions. All three models have standard wired or wireless connectivity, although the PC will possibly have more inputs for some specific device or technology.

For business events where you need a machine to show presentations or slides on a projector, the ideal option is a laptop, due to its versatility. So the final decision will always be given by the use that must be given to the equipment.

Memory and storage

At this point the three models do not differ too much either. Although there is usually better performance on a desktop PC when it requires a lot of available storage for the implementation, for example, of a data bank or the management of large files.

This is explained by the fact that while laptops and All in Ones use 2.5-inch hard drives, a desktop computer makes use of the 3.5 version. Along with the greater storage capacities, you also get the option of being able to install more than one HD, something that is not so easy to do in the other two computer models.

Operating systems used

At this point they are also even, since the three solutions can easily accept both Windows and Linux, always depending on what is needed for each task. As there may be differences with the more advanced versions of these two operating systems, since some functions may not work correctly on computers with less capacity.

Performance capacity

Along with the space they occupy, the performance of these teams is one of the most important points to consider. In the event that you don't need to carry out very heavy tasks that require a lot of execution power, any of the three solutions will suffice.

However, to run multiple processes simultaneously and heavy software, the PC is the option that will work best.

Although the distance in performance that has always existed and disappears more and more, even today a computer with a case offers the possibility of using better hardware components, with which you obtain advanced technology to carry out the most demanding tasks..

Support available

If the manufacturer of your computer has a good reputation for the good quality of its products and also offers a reliable warranty contract, you will not have any problem when buying one. That is why the warranty, in addition to the specifications, is one of the most important aspects.

If we look for some feature to make the choice, it can be said that the warranty of a desktop PC is better, since it is easier to open the box to replace the components. Also, if you have a problem with the monitor, you leave it to the technical service and you can use another monitor in the meantime. But if the monitor of a laptop or All in One breaks down, you will have to take the entire equipment to the technical service, which can cause you to spend several days without being able to use it.


If you need to use the equipment in different places, there is no doubt: the laptop will be the best option, as long as you do not need to carry out major development or video rendering tasks. The creation of heavy videos and programming imply a high consumption of hardware, as well as the most modern games, something that a low or mid-range laptop will not be able to support.

On the other hand, while they don't offer as much portability as laptops, the All in One is ideal for designers and architects, due to the advantages of their touchscreens. After all, it is a computer that can also be carried, although it is not as comfortable as a laptop.

The central question will always be the same: the type of task for which the computer will be used. For most of the users who do basic tasks, a tablet would be more than enough, being the best solution in terms of portability.

If you need to use a keyboard, the laptop is the one, but to get more performance for graphic design, for example, you would have to choose an All in One. On the most demanding end, a player or a programmer will need a computer with the maximum performance, so here the recommendation would be to buy a desktop PC with the best components.

Advantages of an All in One

We detail some of the advantages when purchasing an All in One computer.


It needs less space than a desktop PC and maybe even less space than a laptop.

Screen quality

It is generally manufactured with larger screens, higher resolution and image quality (varies by model).

Generally, they include more built-in ports than those found on a basic laptop. The iMac are very well made models where the finish and hardware is very decent.

Savings in energy consumption

Frequently, an All in One only has one cable, which is the power cable, which means that in these computers only one unit consumes energy. This makes the power consumption considerably less than on a desktop PC. Also, an AIO is able to continue to run for up to an hour using a UPS if the power goes out, against the limited 15 that a PC can continue to run.


It is one of the advantages of these teams. They may not be as portable as a laptop that can be carried in a bag or backpack, but it can be comfortably carried when traveling in a car or other form of transportation.

Disadvantages of an All in One

Before going to the stores and buying a new All in One, there are a few major drawbacks to be aware of.


We did not find much possibility of updating these devices, a frequent feature that we see in the All in One and also in laptops. In general, in an All in One you can update the hard drive and RAM as much more. Older models were much more flexible than current ones.


Repairing an All in One whose warranty is already expired can be very expensive, since its components are manufactured exclusively for one model and future repair is not taken into account. In addition, in some models it is difficult to access the component to be repaired, being necessary to disassemble other components first.


It doesn't offer the same level of portability as a laptop.


They are used to having a higher price when compared to a desktop PC with the same specifications due to a smaller target market.

The justification for the high price is given precisely by the advantages mentioned above, regarding the portability and practicality of the computer.

Is it worth buying an All in One?

If your idea is to use the computer to execute heavy tasks such as games or video editing software, it is advisable to buy a desktop computer, since in the future it will be easier to update and a repair would also have a lower cost. Also, the cooling is better and it will usually take less time to do your job.

However, if you are going to perform operations that do not require as much computer performance power as the use of a web browser, text editing software or watching television, an All in One basic computer will cover your needs.

Therefore, buying a desktop PC will provide superior performance, while an All in One will offer the possibility to locate it in small spaces or to transport it more easily.

All In One Recommended

We leave you several options for price ranges. Since there is currently a lot of variety, but few really are worth it.

Cheap All in One computers

These models are more focused on daily use. All incorporate an SSD or Intel Optane technology with a hard drive. They are models that offer a good performance without leaving us an organ on the road.

HP 24-f0015ns - All in One - Desktop PC… Buy on Amazon

MEDION AKOYA E23401 All-in-One PC - Computer… 647.22 EUR Buy on Amazon

MEDION AKOYA E23401 All-in-One PC - Computer… 727, 89 EUR Buy on Amazon

MSI PRO 24X 7M-005EU - Desktop computer everything… 430, 00 EUR Buy on Amazon

All in One computers for less than 1000 euros

We raise the bar slightly. Models with better displays and performance. Very to take into account if we want to dedicate ourselves to something more serious than daily use.

HP 24-xa0913ns - All in One - Desktop Computer… Buy on Amazon

OptiPlex 7760 68.6 cm (27 ") 1920 x 1080 Pixels 3… Buy on Amazon

HP EliteOne 1000 G1 AIO 2SF85EA 68, 58cm (27 ")… 833, 00 EUR Buy on Amazon

High-end All in One computers

They are models that offer very good quality but their price is very high. Only recommended for designers or lovers of having the best in this range of equipment.

Apple iMac 27 inches (Retina 5K screen,… 2, 229.32 EUR Buy on Amazon

Apple iMac 21.5 inches (Retina 4K screen,… 1, 299.86 EUR Buy on Amazon

HP Envy Curved All-in-One -34-b100ns - Computer… 1, 149.00 EUR Buy on Amazon

Apple iMac Pro - 27 "Computer (Retina display… 4, 999.00 EUR Buy on Amazon

Conclusion about an All in One computer

As can be seen, various All in One models abound in this market segment after the success of the Apple iMac, which continues to be the winning product in this segment, although it is often inaccessible in terms of price.

Although it is not recommended to focus only on the design of the computer for work, but also on the features you are needing for your tasks: if you do not have too specific demands, an All in One computer will probably suffice.

We recommend that you take a look at our configurations and assembly guides:

  • Basic PC Settings Advanced PC Settings / Gaming Enthusiastic PC Settings Silent PC Settings

Considering the multi-inch displays and good resolutions that AIOs offer, they are often the preferred choice for users looking to use the system for video editing or graphic design. Currently we recommend All in One computers manufactured by iMAC for the aesthetics, screen quality and good performance offered by their models with SSD, we do not recommend the purchase of models with Fusion or only mechanical hard disk. The experience is very bad.


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