
▷ What is the use of creating a restore point windows 10

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Ensuring the life of our Windows 10 is something that everyone should do to a greater or lesser extent. In our team we have a large number of documents that are surely of great importance to us. Maybe someday a problem can occur, either due to a virus, update or our action, our system could crash. Here the restoration points become important. In this new step by step we show you how to create a Windows 10 restore point.

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Windows is continually updating itself, and if we add to this the misdeeds that we ourselves do in our system, it is possible that someday we will miss this useful option of the restoration points. We are going to see how to make one and how to configure our team to do them automatically.

What is a restoration point

The first thing we need to know is what creating Windows 10 restore point is and what it is for. Well, restore points are like backup copies of certain important elements of Windows. With the relevant options activated, the system will carry out, periodically or when major changes are made to the system, these restore points, in case in any case, something goes wrong and we have to do a Windows recovery.

Create Windows 10 restore point

Let's see how to create these restore points. The easiest way to access the restore point tool is through the start menu.

  • For this we go to the start menu and write "Restoration point"

  • A window of the system properties will open.

We will look at the section "Protection settings". In this window, the different hard drives that we have on our computer appear and just next to it a label with the title "Protection". If it is disabled, it means that our system is not creating restore points by itself.

If we continue looking at the window, we will also see that certain options are disabled, such as "System Restore" or "Create restore point". The first thing we should do is activate the system protection.

  • We choose the hard disk where we have our operating system installed. To do this, we press the "Configure…" button . In the sale that seems to us, we choose the "Activate system protection" option. Then we will assign a maximum amount of storage if we want. to save these restoration points. Then we click on "Apply" and "OK". We will already have the protection of the active system. We can do the same with the rest of hard drives, although the truly important one is Windows

  • Now we can make restoration points. For this we will only have to give "Create…" and choose a name for the point. Then we give "create".

In this way we have been able to create a Windows 10 restore point

System restore

This wouldn't be useful if we couldn't use it in an emergency to restore Windows. When we do something wrong or notice a malfunction in our system, it's time to use this restore point to return to good known settings.

  • On this same screen we have an option called "System Restore…"

  • Click on it and a wizard will be opened to restore our equipment. If we click on "Next" we will find there all the restoration points made. In our case there is only one. We select it.

Just below there is a button "Detect affected programs". If we have made changes to the system such as installing a new Windows application it will tell us which applications we are going to lose if we apply this restore point.

  • We continue and click on "Next" Very important: we select the drive that we want to restore, which will be the one that contains the Windows installation and click on "Finish"

We will jump an alert telling us that the restoration process will not be able to stop. In such a case, let's do nothing until the procedure is over. After making preparations, the system will reboot and begin the restoration process.

Use restore point from recovery drive

With the creation of these restore points we can also restore the computer from a boot or installation unit of the operating system.

To create a recovery drive or a bootable USB with Windows 10 visit our tutorials.

In any case, what we must do is insert the recovery or installation unit into the computer. for this we must configure the BIOS to start from this unit.

  • Once started, click on "Repair equipment" to open the repair options.

  • Next, we give "Troubleshoot" and then "System Restore"

A recovery wizard will open where we must locate a restoration point that we have made to apply it.

Next, we click “next”, we select the drive where Windows is installed, and the process will be exactly the same as when we did it from the operating system. The computer will restore.

Solution for error 0x80070003 or 0x80070005

Using this restore method, you may encounter this error code during the system restore process. What we will have to do to fix it is access the command prompt from the installation disk or recovery disk itself.

In the advanced options available on the disk, we choose the "command prompt"

Now we write the following commands:

chkdsk : / f / r

sfc / scannow

Next, we leave the terminal and restart the computer. in this way it should restart normally. Also, we could try again to restore the computer using the above method if it continues to function incorrectly.

You have already seen the utility of creating a Windows 10 restore point. What to expect to create it and avoid future errors?


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