
What is the use of having two bios [the best explanation]

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Having two BIOSes can be very useful for those who do tests or many configurations. We explain what it is for having Dual BIOS.

The BIOS is a very important section on the motherboard because, from it, we can configure the different options of our system. Features like determining boot disk, overclocking RAM or processor, or choosing performance profiles place vital importance on BIOS. But having two chips can greatly change the user experience. Want to know why?

Next, we explain what it is for to have this function on your motherboard.

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A main chip and a secondary chip

Dual BIOS technology provides the possibility of having two chips integrated in our motherboard. One works as the main BIOS and the other as a backup or backup of the factory settings. So if the primary fails, the secondary takes over and runs automatically.

This technology is provided by Gigabyte's high-end motherboards, and its raison d'être is for enthusiasts looking to do a lot of BIOS setup to take full advantage of their PC's performance. Often these modify values ​​that cause the system to start correctly.

Given the reiteration of this problem, the possibility of having Dual BIOS on our motherboard makes a lot of sense. This technology is not new and has been used for years at Intel and AMD.

Gigabyte Exclusivity

By proxy, we can flash the two BIOSes without problems, but the ideal is to use the second one as a backup copy of the first one. However, we can flash both without any problem. That said, we can update the firmware without worrying about doing it wrong because we have another with a backup made.

On the other hand, according to Gigabyte, the functions offered by this system are not only reduced to a "backup", but also repair BIOS errors automatically in a short period of time. At first, this technology is exclusive to Gigabyte, but we can find a specific model from other manufacturers that does incorporate two chips.

The best for overclocking

One of the negative points of doing OC in our equipment, is to make a wrong adjustment, which can lead to a crash at system startup. In this way, we have to restore BIOS, do a Clear CMOS, etc. This process is very tedious and it takes a lot of time that we are investing in “leisure”.

Having a "lifeguard" when modifying BIOS settings can be a feature to be taken into account by enthusiasts. The bad news is that you can only enjoy this feature on Gigabyte's mid-to-high-end motherboards.

We recommend reading how to find out in the computer BIOS step by step

Many of you may have this function and did not know it until now. It is never too late to make the most of our components! We hope this article has helped you, and if you have any questions, you can contact us below, we will answer you right away.

Did you know this technology? Do you have a DualBios motherboard?


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