
Pccomponentes spam their customers for a possible hack

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PcComponentes is one of the most popular online stores in Spain. They offer a wide selection of technology products, and have established themselves as one of the most reliable stores among users. Like most stores, they have a database with information about their customers, including email. Data that is generally protected. But, it seems that PcComponentes has had a problem.

PcComponentes spam their clients for a possible hack

Various users have contacted the company through social networks, saying that they are receiving spam from PcComponentes. The emails that customers have received have nothing to do with the store's business, as you can see in the message below.

Attachment capture (I delete my email badly)

- Zortheim (@Zortheim) September 30, 2017

Possible hacking of PC components

The strange nature of the messages has made us think that the web has been the victim of a possible hack. Thanks to which they have managed to get hold of the company's database and are now spamming customers. The company has been informed of these events after complaints from various users. So far there is no official response, simply that they are working to find out its origin.

One of the options being considered is that hackers have made use of phishing tools that make it possible to falsify a sender. In this way, the user thinks that it is a company who sends him said email.

Although, it seems that everything points to a hacking of the mailing service. Because the messages are specifically reaching PcComponentes clients. So it makes you think that someone has the company database in their possession. We hope that it will be solved soon and the origin of this problem can be found out.

We thank PcComponentes who have contacted us and in this way reassure all their customers and our readers.


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