Motherboards e

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E-ATX motherboards are not that common, so not everyone pays attention to various details. We tell you about the care you must have.
This form factor is not found on any PC, but will only be seen in powerful configurations. We are talking about the largest motherboards that exist at the user level, so you have to take certain precautions regarding the choice of our box or chassis. Next, we will tell you all the details that you should take into account.
E-ATX form factor
Currently, it is the largest on the market and is aimed at enthusiastic configurations; that is, those whose mission is to equip a lot of RAM memory or several graphics cards. Typically, this form factor is chosen for these reasons, but may be for others, such as VRMs or overclocking on Intel boards.
Because it is the largest form factor, there is some conflict with many PC cases or chassis. It all comes down to the dimensions of the box and its connections. We are going to take advantage of this post to also talk about the incompatibilities that we can find between motherboards and PC cases.
Incompatibility with size
The main incompatibility is the size of the motherboard and the size of the box. If we want to create a good air circuit, we need space, and I'll tell you one thing: good E-ATX compatible PC cases are not cheap at all. Its high price is not only due to its size (which must be larger) and its quality, but also because it is a product with little demand and that goes to a specific sector: the enthusiast.
Offtopic : Enthusiastic products are overpriced because brands know that those interested easily spend € 2, 000 on a computer. Therefore, they know that the consumer seeks quality, rather than looking at the price .
Depending on the configuration we want to have, we must choose one box or another. There are boxes for E-ATX motherboards, but they are not the largest chassis on the market or do not offer much leeway. This is difficult, but it may be the case.
I advise you to review these aspects so that you can choose a good box for your configuration:
- Measurements of the graphics cards in question. Measurements of the PC case, specifically inside. Dimensions of the power supply box (for good wiring management). Possibility of incorporating fans at the top. Connections, we discussed just below.
Incompatibility with connections
Be careful with this incompatibility because it not only occurs on E-ATX motherboards, but we see it in any type of box. If you want to renew components and keep the box, you should be careful with this because you may not be doing well.
On the one hand, you should pay attention to the USB connections offered by the motherboard; on the other hand, check the connections that the box has. Both must agree so that we do not waste connections on the motherboard or the same PC box.
For this reason, keeping the E-ATX box that you bought years ago, may not be the best because it does not support USB 3.1 Gen 2 on its front, for example. They seem silly, but in the day to day they are noticeable.
WE RECOMMEND YOU Processor PartsI know cases of people who have chosen their motherboard and PC case wrongly, choosing the motherboard that had the best value for money and the PC case that they liked the most. All this without observing compatibility of form factor or connections.
The result was the following: USB ports not working or giving you problems, so you had to connect any external hard drive or Pen drive behind. The only thing that worked out of the box was the " Power " button and the " reset " button.
I hope it has helped you understand that we cannot choose a box that we only like at first glance, but that we must take into account our configuration and our connections. If you have any questions, let us know below.
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