
Playstation network has been hacked again

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PlayStation Network is the name of the PlayStation Cloud. It provides access to online games. In addition, there is a large database stored that contain users' personal information. From personal data to bank details. So it is a target of many hackers.

PlayStation Network has been hacked again

In 2011 they already suffered an attack through which hackers seized the data of all the players in the database. It seems that a similar thing happened a few hours ago. PlayStation Network has been hacked once again.

PlayStation Network hack

Since that attack in 2011, there have been no more far-reaching security problems in the cloud. Now, it appears that they have been attacked by a group of hackers called OurMine. On social media, the group in question claims to have the PlayStation Network databases in their possession. So they have an enormous amount of information.

This group is already known for having previously attacked other companies such as Netflix or CNN. Although, for users there is good news. They will not leak the information they have obtained at any time. The reason? They are security experts, they are not hackers. What they will filter are the vulnerabilities they have found in order to obtain this information. In addition to offering support.

In this way, they seek that Sony avoid future problems of this type of PlayStation Network. So, the good part is that the databases are not going to end up circulating on the network. Now we have to wait and see if Sony offers any statement about this problem. And to users, as a precaution, we recommend changing your password.


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