
Pokemon quest has been downloaded 7.5 million times

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Pokemon Quest is the latest title to hit the well-known saga. It is a game that has been available for more than a month for several platforms, since it can be downloaded on Android, iOS and Nintendo Switch. In the time it has been available, the game is having a good acceptance among users. Since it accumulates 7.5 million downloads in total.

Pokemon Quest has been downloaded 7.5 million times

These are good figures, which make it clear that there is a lot of interest in the game. Although we do not know how these downloads are distributed among the three platforms.

Pokemon Quest is a success

In addition, in the weeks that it has been available, Pokemon Quest has generated a profit of $ 3 million between the App Store and the Play Store. So we can see that the acceptance that is having so far is being very positive. It seems that it is the players in Japan and South Korea who have the most interest in this new game, assuming 31 and 12% of the profits.

The United States is also being an important market for Pokemon Quest, since 25% of the income generated comes from this market. An important success that will be crucial to maintain over time.

The question is whether this new game of the popular saga is going to know how to keep on the market with these figures over the months. Summer can be a difficult time for some games, but this title has everything to be a success. It will be?

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