
Pornhub creates a channel dedicated to virtual reality

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It was a matter of time before pornography began to take advantage of a technology that comes with everything in the present and in the coming years, virtual reality. Pornhub, one of the most important pornography portals on the Internet, has just launched a channel exclusively dedicated to virtual reality .

Virtual reality allows you to enjoy porn as if you were… there.

Pornhub has joined forces with the virtual reality store called Badoink to offer a series of porn videos recorded in 360 degrees, with the help of a virtual reality glasses, we will be able to enjoy pornographic content as if we were right there. Although the number of videos that it offers right now is not very large, it serves to get an idea of ​​the experience, over time Pornhub has promised that it will offer even more content as the number of subscribers to the service increases.

As if to promote this new porn channel for virtual reality, Pornhub is offering Google Cardboard glasses for free to the first 10, 000 subscribers. Pornhub comments that the channel is compatible with any reality glasses on the market, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and even has applications for Android and iOS, so we could also use Samsung's Gears VR.

According to the Gizmodo portal that has already been able to test it, the experience is really "immersive" but as always, it will be a matter of reading the experiences of users to determine if it is really worth the outlay of a virtual reality glasses plus the subscription on Pornhub for enjoy HD content.

For now, if you have one of these glasses and you like to stop by the Pornhub channel. If you look brave, you can tell us about your experience. ?


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