Ps4 is about to exceed total sales of ps3

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The PS4 is being one of the most successful consoles from Sony, good proof of this is that it has already managed to sell 76.5 million units since it was put on sale, a figure that includes all the models released, that is, PS4, PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro.
PS4 has almost reached the sales of the PS3
PS3 managed to sell 83.8 million units, so the new game console is very close to surpassing the total sales of its predecessor, and that has only been on the market for 4 years. This year 2018 will be the year of the arrival of heavyweights such as God of War and Spiderman, which will undoubtedly give a new impetus to the sales of the platform to continue making its undisputed success bigger. Added to this is the recently released remake of Shadow of the Colossus, considered by many to be one of the best games of all time.
What is the PC Master Race
PS2 managed to sell 155 million consoles so PS4 is still far away, but we must not forget that Sony was practically alone in that generation and the PS4 still has years ahead so it could be quite close to the sales of the console more successful Sony. The tight hardware of the Sony console has been widely criticized but its great success shows that it was a success.
Do you think PS4 will manage to get closer to the sales of the PS2?
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