
Pubg will start testing with a new savage map

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PUBG has become one of the games of the moment. It has conquered users from all over the world and has brought about a revolution in its genre. But if there are users who believe that the game needs more variety, then there is good news. Because the game is about to start with its first tests with the new Battle Royale map, which comes under the name of Savage.

PUBG will start testing with a new Savage map

This new map is expected to arrive in April for these first tests. Some tests in PUBG that will take place from April 2 to 5. So once they are finished, it is expected that it will finally reach the popular game.

PUBG releases a new map

Savage is expected to be a smaller region, with an area of ​​4 × 4 km. Something that has already been confirmed by the game's creators themselves in a message. Being a smaller region, the game is promised to gain more variety and dynamism in games. So the game promises to bring some changes that will help maintain its popularity.

The company has commented that they will announce more news about this new map for PUBG in the coming days, starting on Monday. So we will have to be very attentive to everything they have to say. Because it sure gives a lot to talk about.

These tests will have limited access, and it appears that there is no longer a place for users to sign up to participate. The participation of the players is key for everything to go well, since faults can be detected, in addition to serving to obtain first impressions of this new map in the game.

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