
What is google neural machine translation and why is it so important?

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You surely remember how last September, the Google guys introduced their Google Neural Machine Translation system. Making use of " deep learning " to get better translations. Initially, although the system only offered translations between Chinese and English, over time it has managed to support more than 103 languages, which are currently supported by Google Translate.

But the most curious of all this, is that Google Neural Machine Translation uses the "Zero-Shot Translation " system. This simply means that it facilitates the expansion process from Translate.

Google Neural Machine Translation, the secret language of Google

We could say then, that Google's AI is developing a secret language, which is capable of identifying concepts and meanings. And that it is used to make translations.

This comes to say, that the Google Neural Machine Translation system is capable of translating languages ​​without having to teach you how to do it. Because it has managed to develop its own internal language with the aim of making translations faster and more accurate.

If until now you believed that he used English as a bridge, it is not so. It is the neural networks that can establish these connections. Without the intervention of programmers to achieve it. You don't need to take English as a reference for translations, you just translate everything in front of you. Thanks to Google's AI.

A Google system that is capable of producing its own language. An impressive advance, which has surprised even the guys at Mountain View.

This is really interesting and it is a breakthrough, because now we can say that over time we will be enjoying a Google Translate so smart, that you can say the phrase however you want that it will translate it perfectly into that language. Without it being robotic.

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