
What is an easter eggs and where can we find them ⭐️

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Easter eggs are a very interesting novelty within a program, operating system or game. Do you want to know what Easter eggs are?

The vast majority of people are unaware that they exist and that there are many people who go crazy looking to find them. We find them in programs, video games, operating systems or in developer credits.

Today, we enter a world full of secrets that you may love. Let's start!

What are easter eggs?

We could say that it is a kind of "hide and seek" game, in which developers hide the "egg" and users must find it. This name comes from the English culture, because, during Easter, eggs are hidden in different places for children to find them.

An easter egg is a novelty or secret feature that we find in a program, operating system or a video game. It is a secret or additional content that is created by the developers of the program or video game and that they hide in their corners.

It is a way of having fun or even a feature that is part of the culture of the computer industry. The developers pose a slight challenge to the players or users through the easter eggs.

Where can we find them?

Normally, they can be found in any operating system, video game or PC program. Although, it is true that we can find them everywhere. Here are a few examples of Easter eggs:

  • Adobe Photoshop. So far, two have been found, but it works on older versions:
      • The electric jack. Press Ctrl + Alt and click the eye on the toolbar. Merlin lives. Press the same keys and click the arrow in the layer box and choose palette options.
    Devil. It was necessary to start a new game, visit the casualties in the eastern part of the town. You clicked a couple of times on a cow until something happened, if you repeated the process you got something else. Doom 2. If we reached the last level and wrote "idclip", we ran through the demons' faces and shot him in the head, you passed the last level in a different way. Tomb Raider. One of the most famous of all: Lara Croft without clothes. On the Tunnel screen, if you wrote "kkooii", Lara would drop the weapons and take off her clothes. Windows 95. We would find an easter egg if we did the following:
      • You created a folder on the desktop and called it "and now, the moment you've all been waitinng for" and hit enter. You renamed it to "we produly present for your viewing pleasure." You renamed it "The Microsoft Windows 95. Product Team! ”
    Google: if you searched in your search engine “Do a barrel roll”, the screen would sweep. YouTube: If you were looking for "Do the harlem shake", YouTube went crazy. Windows 10 Cortana: If you ask "What does the fox say" Cortana will sing a song.

We recommend reading our tricks on Windows 10

As you can see, we can find them for anything done by a computer scientist. Of course, developers have been playing hide and seek for decades. Have you discovered any? How was the experience?


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