Telegram 4.4: news presented in the update

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Telegram has managed to establish itself in the market and position itself as one of the favorite instant messaging applications of users. It stands out especially for its power and security, aspects in which according to many experts it widely surpasses WhatsApp.
What is new in Telegram in its update?
Now Telegram presents its new update. The application is updated to version 4.4. and as usual they present a series of improvements. With these improvements they seek to continue convincing users that they are the best instant messaging application on the market. Will they succeed? We tell you what is new in this update below.
Telegram 4.4: An even better version
The first of them is that the application allows us to now share our location in real time. Our contacts will be able to see where we are or where we are going. In addition, we can share this location as long as we want, from 15 minutes to 8 hours. It is not the only novelty that Telegram presents. It also provides greater comfort when playing multimedia content. The audio player has been redesigned.
Another change introduced by the application is the introduction of a badge for the group administrator. In this way, when the administrator speaks in a group chat, the group will see that it is the administrator who addresses the group. So your message can be easily distinguished. There are also other changes in chats. Since the new members of a chat will not be able to see all the messages.
The latest news that Telegram has revealed is the introduction of more languages in the application. As you can see the application continues to introduce useful improvements for users. So they continue with their commitment to improve and be the best instant messaging application. What do you think about these Telegram news?
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