
Blue screen of death due to failure in a Windows 10 update

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The dreaded blue screen, also called the blue screen of death, is one of the most serious arrest failures any computer can experience. It is a failure that continues to have an unknown origin in many cases, since it apparently occurs randomly. Then, an error message appears on the user's computer screen.

What is the blue screen of death caused by a Windows 10 update?

The screen is tinted blue and the system is not responding, unable to recover from this failure. Text in white letters appears on the screen. It tells us the point where the code failed, which does not usually coincide with the point where this failure originated. It is a problem that in the worst case leads to an infinite loop. If you turn off your computer and restart, the blue screen appears again. If the computer restarts automatically, the blue screen is still there.

It is one of the most frightening problems among users. Now, a blue screen epidemic is plaguing users around the world. The source of the problem lies in a Windows 10 update. Specifically, the Creators Update security update KB4041676 that was released on October 10. This update is available for both PC and mobile, and is causing problems.

Windows 10 update failure

Many of the teams that have upgraded are suffering from the dreaded blue screens. Teams from brands such as HP, Dell or Lenovo are among those affected so far. Although the brand does not seem to matter when it comes to suffering this failure. A multitude of users have used social networks to report this problem that is affecting them.

According to many of the comments that have been seen on the networks, the problem seems to appear only in company accounts. But, there are also users who have a Windows 10 Home account and have the bug. So it seems that any user can be affected by this error in the update. About the origin of this serious error there is nothing clear so far. There are many speculations, one of which seems to be gaining more strength in the networks is the one that says that this error is related to devices that have a USB Type-C port. Although this could not be confirmed.

Microsoft has recognized the error and stated in a statement that they are already working to fix this error as soon as possible. The solution will be released shortly in the form of an additional update. Although the American company has not yet revealed a possible date. At the moment what the company recommends is that you do not update this patch of Windows 10. To avoid any possible problem with the blue screen.

Solution to the blue screen

For users affected by this issue, there is a possible workaround that can get your computer running normally again. It is a solution that seems to have been helpful for many users in getting rid of the blue screen. So it may also be useful to many of you. We explain this solution step by step:

  1. Start the computer in Safe Mode: You will find the Safe Mode option when you restart the computer, press the F8 key several times until the Windows boot menu appears on the screen. Once this happens you have to choose the option that includes network functions. Carry out a virus scan: Check for viruses and check that you have the latest version of your antivirus installed. Install Windows repair: Insert your Windows disk and choose the Repair installation option from the Settings menu. You will not lose any personal information at any time. This option copies the files from the computer. But it is a good alternative and we avoid having to install Windows completely. Restore updates: Inside the start menu there is an option called system restore. Choose a date prior to the time the fault appeared. In this way, you will remove the update that has caused the blue screen. Reinstall Windows: This is not usually necessary, but a full reinstallation of Windows is the safest option. Especially if you don't know the source of the problem. Make a backup copy of your files and save it. If performing this process fails, the failure is likely due to a faulty piece of hardware.

We hope these steps are helpful in solving the blue screen problem. Users who have not experienced this problem with Windows 10 update are advised not to update. For those affected, if this solution does not work, we will have to wait for Microsoft to release a new patch soon.


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