
Raspberry pi reaches 10 million units sold

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Raspberry Pi was first launched in 2012 and was initially focused on students, but the success of the device was so great worldwide that today they celebrate the figure of 10 million units sold.

Celebrated with the launch of the Raspberry Pi 'Starter Kit'

For those who do not know it, Raspberry Pi is a very small computer on a single board, where the processor, memory, graphics and the different connectivity, WiFi, Bluetooth, sound, USB, etc. are contained. Being an ARM architecture, it is mostly used with different Linux distributions and is applicable to many classes of users, not only for use as a personal computer but also in the field of science and robotics.

"By putting cheap, programmable computers in the hands of the right kids, we hoped we could relive some of the sense of excitement about the computing we had in the 1980s with our Sinclair Spectrums, BBC Micros, and Commodore 64s, " he writes in a post. Eben Upton, founder of this device..

When the first Raspberry Pi went on sale in 2012, its creators would only put about 10, 000 units in stock, after 6 months they had already sold 500, 000 units.

Remember that you can read the analysis we did of Raspberry Pi 3 in our Profesionalreview laboratory.

To celebrate this achievement, the creators have released a version called the 'Raspberry Pi Starter Kit', which contains a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, an 8GB SD memory card, a case and the power supplies, cables and peripherals needed to get started. to use it. The kit is now available in the UK for around £ 99 (+ VAT).


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