
Reasons to buy an amd ryzen 3000: 3900x, 3800x, 3700x and 3600

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The world of hardware has been turned upside down with the arrival of the new and interesting AMD processors. Still many people are testing them and many others are already using them in their homes, but should we buy an AMD Ryzen 3000 ?

In this article we want to tell you a little about the benefits and benefits that these new processors offer us. As it is still new technology, it is not very clear what is what, so we are going to separate what is marketing from what is innovation.

Index of contents

What are AMD Ryzen 3000 for the industry?

In a way, many users are very eager to get their hands on a Ryzen fresh out of the oven, but why. Being targets, AMD Ryzen 3000 is just another new line of processors, another stepping stone AMD places on its long ladder. So why is there such a stir? In simple words: the end of an empire.

These processors, along with the Navi graphics, are the heralds of the end of an era. They are the messengers who predict the return of a great to the battlefield, in other words, the return to life of AMD .

The importance of this event is evident when we take a look back. For several years, the only alternative we had to mount a team has been practically Nvidia and Intel . AMD was relegated to making components for mid and low ranges and consoles, but that has changed these days.

The regenerated and innovative technology of the red team has caught more than one unsuspecting and where before they had weaknesses, now they have resistance.

The most exemplary case has been video games, where AMD processors have always been one step behind. However, Ryzen has improved step by step and they have reinforced that place where they were weak before.

Fps rate in different games at 1440p

In addition, for quite some time, Intel has always held the throne of "The best processor on the market . " However, it seems that AMD Ryzen 3000 is also about to claim that title.

As you can see, it is a common event, but one that is nevertheless very important for the industry. Intel's monopoly seems to have ended and nobody knows what will happen in the coming years with Nvidia . However, the best part is borne by users, since with healthy and strong competition better products are generated at lower prices.

The new technologies of the AMD Ryzen 3000

Since we talk so much about new processors and that they have new technologies, let's dig a little deeper into this topic.

The new components are always more pointers than their predecessors, it is the law of life in computing. They make better use of resources, are more efficient, have more power… Well, the case of AMD Ryzen 3000 is no exception.

Zen 2

The first technology that we highlight is its renewed micro-architecture: Zen 2. This architecture is based on ultra-tiny transistors from TSMC ( Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited ) of only 7nm .

Compared to Zen or Zen + , the transistors they used before were 14nm and 12nm, that is, almost 50% smaller. For simplicity, this means that the small "systems" that perform simple mathematical calculations (literally everything is computational in computing) are much more efficient.

As a consequence, we could:

  • pack a lot more transistors on the same surface put more, but on a little less surface put the same, but on a much smaller surface

The first thing we notice is that we can have more computing power in the same space. On the other hand, being smaller it needs less energy and that also means that less heat is generated and we need less cooling.

As you will see, there are a very long series of advantages in having small transistors, which is why some people strongly criticize Intel , which still uses 14nm transistors.

PCIe Gen 4

PCIe Gen 4 has been echoed a lot lately, but what exactly is it?

Estimates of the evolution of PCIe

In simple words, PCIe technology is a way to connect components to the motherboard through data buses (channels) . It is important that they are not unlimited and that each component "takes" a certain number of "PCIe lines". To know how many PCIe lines we have, you have to look at the specifications of the CPU and the motherboard itself.

Aside from being more flexible, more scalable, and more efficient, the highlight of PCIe Gen 4 is that it has better transfer speeds. While PCIe Gen 3 gave us up to 984.6 MB / s for each line, PCIe Gen 4 doubles it up to 1969 MB / s. The first components that have seen an improvement have been NVMe SSDs , which have broken a new transfer speed record.

This technology will gradually be installed on computers around the world and companies still need to learn how to use it well to get the most out of it. Not surprisingly, it is relevant to see how new devices are adding these features.

AMD GameCache

A name given by the brand itself and that refers to the inclusion and optimization of the cache memory integrated in the processor cores.

According to AMD itself, they have doubled the amount of cache memory, allowing a smoother and better gaming experience. As we have seen in the analyzes, the new processors are not far behind in gaming and are capable of giving us a performance at the height of the best Intel .

The company also talks about lower latencies, although they are magnitudes that are between nanoseconds apart.

The weight that the video game industry is taking is increasingly noticeable. Both manufacturers and users are looking for more and more power, while video game developers enable new ways of playing and watching video games.

We move higher and higher, but with recent titles like Shadow of the Tomb Raider or Metro Exodus (with or without RTX), we see how the limits of technology are higher and higher as well.

Precision Boost 2

The only bad thing is that between this technology and PCIe Gen 4 the motherboards for Ryzen 3000 have become much more expensive than their predecessors.

AMD Ryzen 3000 Performance

We will continue with one of the points that have most called users: performance.

Without a doubt, AMD Ryzen 3000 has meant a before and after for the international AMD . They have very high-end processors among their ranks and offer unmatched multi-core performance. On the other hand, as we have mentioned, they have slightly solved their problem in single-core, so they are also worthy gaming competitors.

Benchmarks of different processors

All this leads us to the fact that its processors are standing up to competing processors. From the balanced Core i5 to the powerful Core i9 are being tested and not all units pass the exam.

For example, we have recently seen comparisons between Core i9-9900k and Ryzen 9 3900X, for example, and the differences are severe. The Core i9 gives us excellent performance in gaming and other single-core tasks, but in everything else, the Ryzen 9 3900X is much better. This is why some portals have mentioned that this line of processors comes to dethrone many of the current kings.

And the best (or worst) of all, is that the best AMD Ryzen 3000 processor has not yet come out, since it is the Ryzen 9 3950X . This processor will not yet hit the market for a few months, but we already know that it will mount, among other things, 16 cores and 32 threads. This monster has already leaked certain data that claims to have broken certain world records in Cinebench and other areas.

As you can see, the power of this family is undeniable.

Price quality

We have to recognize that currently they are not the best processors in price quality, since their considerable cost is not to be ignored.

Currently, due to its low price, it is more advisable to buy processors from previous generations. For example, the Ryzen 2000 are many on offer and for the performance they have, the price is excellent. However, if we put it only in perspective against its competition, these Ryzen become true beasts.

As we have seen in the reviews and comparisons, the AMD Ryzen 3000 processors give us similar performances for similar or lower prices. While a Core i7-9700k costs around € 390 , a Ryzen 7 3700X costs around € 360 . The reduction is not particularly large, but if we consider that it offers us much better performance for heavy programs, the Ryzen is revalued.

On the other hand, the Ryzen 9 3900X can be found around € 540, a figure higher than what a Core i9-9900k costs (approximately € 490, on offer). However, we must take as a reference that the Ryzen performs much better in multi-core work , a task for which both processors are designed. Definitely, for content creators this processor is much more recommended.

WE RECOMMEND AMD and Nvidia increase their sales and market share

The interesting topic comes when we see that, in some cases, this last processor is capable of even beating the i9-9980XE , an ultra-luxury Intel processor. This processor is bought for figures around € 2000 and yet, a much lower cost processor fights face to face with it.

Stock heatsink and integrated graphics

One of the decisions that has made AMD processors cheaper is not to include an integrated graphics card. It's a risky move, but it makes sense, since discrete graphics is crucial for desktop computers to perform almost any task.

Whether you want to edit, play video games or process modeling, for example, you will need a graph of considerable power, which does not fit in an integrated one. The devices that can take full advantage of these components are ultrabooks, since they seek to be very light.

In the equipment section, if we remove the luxury teams we would have three variants:

  • In the top builds, the most powerful processors will be accompanied by at least one RTX 2070 or RX 5700 , so the integrated graphics would not have work. For modest teams we would always have an RX 580 or perhaps a GTX 1660 , so the power is already served.Finally, for less powerful or office equipment you can get CPU combos with integrated graphics or directly a cheap discrete graphics.

This is why we understand the movement of removing integrated graphics from most processors.

AMD Wraith Prism RGB

On the other hand, what AMD does offer us are heatsinks made by the brand itself. They are certainly not the most efficient or best on the market, but they perform well. In addition, continuing with the trend of most users, in the top processors we will have the AMD Wraith Prism RGB , so it will give some life to the interior of your computer.

This is why we think that these two decisions return slightly better in price and, therefore, a very good choice for the AMD Ryzen 3000.

CPU and RAM overclocking

Finally, we want to talk to you about the overclocking capacity of this new generation.

First, we will talk about the case of RAM , since they are a key point for the good performance of these processors. This new generation brings new limits for the frequency supported by motherboards. If it was 2666 MHz before , X570 boards raise the bar to 3200 MHz.

It may not seem very important, but this means that to install a memory of 3200 MH z we will not have to overclock. Before, however, we had to do it yes or yes if we wanted to support those high frequencies or else we would be left with memories cut to 2666 MHz.

This brings improvements in stability, performance and energy efficiency, making it undoubtedly an interesting improvement over the previous generation.

On the other hand, we have the issue of overclocking processors. So far, these capabilities have been cut and we haven't gotten much improvement. However, in future updates this will change.

In a nutshell, most Ryzen processors will be overclocking ready. Best of all, it can be done from the same desktop with the previously mentioned application. If we already have pretty good performance, we hope to see AMD processors at their full potential in a few months.

Also, some brands are implementing new things on their motherboards to make them more interesting to the public. In the case of msi , they have included a physical mechanism on the motherboard itself that serves to overclock the system.

We have a control panel that is located on the bottom of the board and can control how the processor behaves. There are two buttons and a wheel that controls the level of overclock we want and ranges from 1 to 10 .

Conclusions about AMD Ryzen 3000

Of course, you can see that there are good reasons to go for a new AMD Ryzen 3000 processor. It is true that they are not all lights and also have some flaws, but it is normal in every great launch that some things go wrong, right?

We think they are very good processors and have enough attractive technologies to give you a chance.

Furthermore, its relevance in the history of hardware cannot be denied. Despite the fact that its graphics line has not changed any paradigm, we cannot say the same about processors. Unless some important event occurs in the coming weeks, everything indicates that Intel's dominance over AMD has ended and, at the very least, they are once again rivals.

We recommend reading the best processors on the market

If you are thinking of making a new team, you have numerous options to choose from and now Ryzen is an excellent alternative to Intel . Whether you edit, play video games, or just surf the internet.

What do you think of the AMD Ryzen 3000 ? Do you think they deserve good reviews or do you think they are overrated? Tell us your ideas below.


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