Reasons not to buy a cheap windows 10 license

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Windows is the most used operating system on PCs around the world despite the fact that its price is quite high and there are free alternatives. The price of Windows is not cheap at all since a license can cost us 90-120 euros or even more depending on the version, this makes some users resort to hacking or buying cheap licenses of dubious origin.
Why you shouldn't buy a cheap Windows license
Resellers have their sights set on users who want or need to use Windows but cannot afford to pay a license at Microsoft prices. Many are the ones who shy away from piracy for ethical reasons and look for the solution from resellers who provide Windows licenses at much lower prices than the official ones.
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These low-cost licenses may be legal in principle, but we do not know their origin, so they can become non-legal. Many of these licenses are OEM-type, so they are linked to use on a specific computer and cannot be used. on other computers. In the other part we have the original licenses that are bought and then sold to many people for a reduced quantity but whose sum far exceeds the original value of the license.
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Both practices are illegal and can be a source of problems for the user, each of the Windows licenses can only be used on one computer at a time, so the simultaneous use by many users causes them to cease to be valid automatically, for Don't be surprised if it lets you activate the system but after a few days an error appears and it is deactivated. At this point we will lose the license and the money paid for it so it is not a good idea.
It is also common to see cheap Windows 7 or 8 licenses that allow upgrading to Windows 10, the licenses are personal and non-transferable, so the purchase of one of these can also cause many problems in the long run.
Our recommendation is that if you really need to use Windows you should buy a license at its normal price in a trusted establishment, if it is not a necessity you can always make use of a free operating system like Linux that does not cost you a single euro.
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