Liquid or air cooling. which is better?

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Most of you know that. There are two main methods of keeping the computer at an adequate temperature. They are liquid cooling and air cooling. Generally, the most widely used and known by many is air cooling. Although more and more manufacturers are starting to bet on liquid cooling. Although they bet on the so-called all-in-one kits that usually do not require little maintenance. There is also traditional liquid cooling, which does require a lot of maintenance.
It is then when the doubt arises. Which of the two forms of refrigeration is the best? Liquid cooling or air cooling?
Index of contents
Liquid cooling vs. air cooling
That is what we are going to present today in this article. To be able to discover which of the two presents more advantages or utilities for your computer. But for this, in the first place, it is essential that we can know both types separately, before we can draw some conclusions. We briefly explain what both types consist of, and we also present the main advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Ready to discover them?
Liquid refrigeration
It is a cooling like that in cars. It is about absorbing the heat of the components of our computer through liquids that are good thermal conductors. The liquid is cooled after the beginning of the circuit and the cycle begins. Keep in mind that the liquid is in constant motion. Not for ever. Therefore, a complex system is required to make this possible. Pipes, tank, radiator and a pump are the main components that make up these kits.
It is generally priced higher than air cooling. The cheapest on the market are between € 60 and € 150 currently in compact mode.
Then there are those that are pieces, also known as "Liquid refrigeration by pieces" that are usually much more expensive. We can find it from € 200 to € 2000 if we want specific pieces. Without a doubt, price is the main disadvantage of liquid cooling.
If we look at its advantages, that there are quite a few, the main advantages that they provide to the user would be the following:
Firstly, it should be noted that its thermal performance is superior to that of air cooling. They are also usually much quieter, although logically it depends on the system. Another great aspect is that you can cool all the components of the computer in the same circuit, and that is not something that is possible with air coolers.
Other disadvantages to be aware of are that they are too complex. Also when mounting and a failure can be crucial and damage our computer completely. Although well, if my partner Miguel ever cheers up or takes time to launch his guide, it will be much faster for you, and you will see that it is not that complicated either.
Air cooling
The other option is air cooling. It is a version that we all know, since it is the one that includes the fans. The one we have seen on older computers. Generally it is a much simpler system technically. That simplicity is usually translated also in its price, which is significantly lower than that of air cooling. You can easily find some for just € 15 to 100 euros, for the most expensive.
In general it is somewhat less effective than liquid. Mainly because they have a lower thermal conductivity. But let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of air cooling. First of all we will highlight the main advantages.
As we have already told you, it is a much cheaper option for users. It is also simpler, which means that any user can mount it without the need for help. They also need little maintenance, something very comfortable. It is recommended to dust regularly, to avoid problems. And also, that they are strong and durable. They can work for a very long time.
Its two main disadvantages are that they do not yield as much as liquid cooling because with the liquid it is much faster to cool the entire system.
Also they tend to be noisier, although we can always solve it with silent high-end fans. And is that high dB (A) can be very annoying for many users.
So what do I buy?
Both cooling systems have their advantages and disadvantages. An aspect of enormous importance for the user is to determine the needs that he has. We must find the solution that is more efficient and also more economical. It is important to find a balance between the two in order to make the right decision in this regard.
Liquid cooling is usually more effective and has a long service life. But they also have a significantly higher price, which in many cases makes it unsuitable for home use. It may be for business use a much more recommended option. Air cooling is cheaper and easier. Ideal for domestic and common use by the vast majority of users. In these cases air cooling is recommended. Since it does not have a too high cost, and it amply covers the needs that the user has. It is also important to consider the computer you have. Its type (portable, desktop) to be able to determine with more precision the best option.
Therefore, liquid cooling is ideal for foodies, modders or companies. But for the average user, the one who uses the computer at home for regular actions, air cooling is the best option. It exceeds what we ask for, and its cost is much lower.
In addition, it is something much simpler, so we can always assemble it ourselves, and it also gives us much less problems in general. Therefore, our recommended option would be air cooling.
Don't know which one to buy? We leave you our guide to the best heatsinks and liquid cooling
What do you think? Which of the two do you consider to be the best? Air cooling or liquid cooling? Leave your comment and share your experience with both types of refrigeration.
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