Google pixel 3 release date revealed

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These weeks we are getting data on the new Google Pixel 3. The new generation of Google phones is close to being introduced. Until now, the presentation date that had been commented was October 4, the same as in the previous two generations. Although it seems that the firm has decided to change this date, and it is postponed for a few days.
Google Pixel 3 presentation date revealed
In this way, instead of October 4, the presentation date of these phones would be October 9. A few days later than initially thought.
New presentation date for Google Pixel 3
This would break the tradition of presenting the phones on October 4. Since it was the date on which the first two generations appeared. Although it should be mentioned that this information has not yet been confirmed by the company itself. So we do not know if it will finally be October 9 when we meet these Google Pixel 3. But the information comes from reliable means.
Not that it differs much from what was thought to be the initial filing date, because it simply means waiting five more days. But we must wait for some confirmation from the company in this regard.
In these weeks, details about these Google Pixel 3 will surely be coming to us. It may be that among the new leaks, the presentation date will return, or that the Mountain View company confirms this date. We will be attentive to more news in this regard.
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