
Revealed the reason why WhatsApp fell on New Year's Eve

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2017 has not been the best year for WhatsApp stability. Since the application has been dropped numerous times over the past year. Something that for many has become normal and that has caused many negative reactions. The most recent and controversial was on New Year's Eve, because before the end of the year, the application fell again.

Revealed the reason why WhatsApp fell on New Year's Eve

This time the reason why the application fell last Sunday has been explained. Traffic seemed to be so high that there was huge congestion on the platform. Since the traffic was much higher than expected and usual on a date like this.

WhatsApp fell due to excess traffic

On December 31, the application had to face the figure of 75, 000 million messages. A figure that is 20, 000 million higher than usual in one day. Something that caused the application servers not to resist. For that reason, it was down for a time. Although, the huge traffic was only recorded at certain times.

It seems that the exchange of multimedia files, much higher than normal, was one of the causes that most contributed to the collapse of the servers. Since there were times when sending photos on WhatsApp multiplied by three. While the video was multiplied by five.

It is certainly interesting to know the origin of the problem this time. Although, the application must work so that this does not happen as often. And that the multiple falls of WhatsApp remain as something of 2017.

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