Theft of $ 8.4 million from Ethereum

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What a month the virtual currency is living. Last week we informed you of two large-scale thefts that affected Ethereum. This fact has brought to the table the evident security problems of the cryptocurrency. Now history repeats itself. New Ethereum theft. The third in about 10 days.
Theft of $ 8.4 million on Ethereum
This time it is a robbery of 8.4 million dollars. And this theft has in common enough with one of the previous ones, since it has been carried out again in an ICO, very similar to the IPO. The affected on this occasion is the company Veritaseum. The robbery took place this Sunday, July 23.
New theft
It seems that these types of activities organized by companies to obtain funds quickly are becoming a focus of attacks and robberies. Since this new robbery is very reminiscent of the one that occurred last week in Israel. And in addition, this time there also seems to be suspicions that the theft is caused by one of the company's partners.
Some of the company describe the theft as insignificant, although the money is still unaccounted for. So there are still many unanswered questions. We will see how this new Ethereum theft evolves.
At the moment, the coin, which had a couple of quiet days and with its stable value, is once again the protagonist for negative reasons. Ethereum is not living a very happy summer. In addition to the huge decline in value, its safety has been increasingly questioned in recent weeks. What do you think of this robbery?
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