
Roomba: the robot vacuum cleaner that wants to spy on your house

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iRobot is the manufacturer of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner. A device that is beginning to gain a lot of prominence in the networks. And it is not for the reasons that one would expect. It is not a robot that cleans more and better. The robot is playing a leading role because it wants to obtain user data.

Roomba: The robot vacuum cleaner that wants to spy on your house

It seems that the future for the robot is in the collection and sale of data. At least those are the plans of the company. Since the robot is dedicated to moving around the house, they want it to get information. From the distances between rooms and objects, what objects are in the house, etc. And then sell them to other companies like Google or Apple.

Roomba wants to sell data

From the company they affirm that in the homes of the users there are many devices or services that can be offered to the users. From lamps or thermostats. The idea is that this robot vacuum cleaner integrates with other services, such as a home assistant. And in this way, the company that the assistant creates obtains the data that Roomba collects at home.

The idea is creating doubts among users. Not so among investors, who seem to strongly agree with it. Since yesterday the company rose about 21% on the stock market at some moments. So it seems that the future of the company is in the sale of data.

We will see what happens with Roomba and if the users really accept that or on the contrary this project is nothing. What do you think?

Source: Reuters


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