
Russia blocks vpn to prevent internet access

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A couple of years ago, Russia introduced a law that prohibited the use of VPNs to connect to the Internet. Although in these two years, the government has not been too busy in this regard. But things change now. Since the Russian government is already officially blocking access to these systems. So users who want to access the Internet this way cannot.

Russia Blocks VPNs to Prevent Internet Access

It follows in the footsteps of China, which also created a similar ban a couple of years ago. The main VPNs are affected in this decision.

Russia vs. VPNs

Some of the most important have already received messages from the Russian government, demanding either that they cease their activity or informing that they could be blocked and prohibited from operating shortly. In addition, there are companies that confirm they will not have or have stopped having servers in Russia for this same reason. While others have no intention of leaving their activity at any time.

The main threat is that if they break the law their presence in Russia will be blocked, so that no one will be able to access the Internet using such VPNs. So far it has not happened with any company. Although it should not be ruled out that it will happen.

This is one more step in the censorship of the Russian government online. We have already seen how search engines have been required to eliminate some results, especially on contrary pages or criticisms of the government.

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