
Get the most out of your iphone camera

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Technology and entertainment go hand in hand and, thanks to the evolution of the cell phone industry, we can have in our palm devices capable of carrying out complicated tasks, ranging from making a high-quality photo album quality, even professional photography. With this example, we can see how analog photography has been declining in favor of digital.

Get the most out of your iPhone camera

Surely, many of us have within reach an iPhone acquired from companies like T-Mobile or similar, in which we have been able to check the impressive features of their cameras, especially the latest models available on the market. Next, we are going to give some tips to know the characteristics of the iPhone 6, especially its camera, in order to get the most out of it.

Source: Pixabay

Digital zoom

Depending on the cell phone model, we can have more or less pixel quality, for example, with the iPhone 6 we will have 8 megapixels of the rear camera and with the iPhone 6S 12 MP, enough to obtain professional photographs. Among all the features that we can count on, we must pay special attention to the zoom, since as it happens with all smartphones, this is digital and not optical, therefore, we must use it to focus on the object that we want in the first place. flat, but never to approach it, since the image would lose decisive quality. It is worth mentioning that, thanks to its new focus system, Focus Pixel, it will be possible to focus and take a photo more quickly and comfortably, so that we do not lose that valuable moment.

Panoramic photography

One of the advantages of the camera on iPhone cell phones, which we can find in stores like T-Mobile, are the different formats with which we can obtain our photographs, among them the panoramic format called “pano” stands out in the menu. Using this option we can capture images of landscapes or places with about 180 degrees of vision, ideal for outdoor parties or for sunsets on the beach.

Source: Pixabay

Different modes

There are several modes in the camera of these smart phones, one is the burst mode. This is ideal for taking photos on the move, and then select the image that we like the most. This is possible because these types of phones can process numerous photos per second without any problem. Another mode is the timer, to which we can take advantage to take photographs in which we want to be present, but with the help of a tripod adaptable to the cell phone. A third mode is HDR, this option takes 3 different images, but juxtaposes them to get the most out of the light obtained by the shutter, so the photo quality cannot be more true to reality.

These are some of the advantages that we can have with the technology of iPhone cameras, but we can enjoy many more, such as the quick actions that we have access to when we press and hold the photography icon; We can also share photo albums using Airdrop technology; And for the famous selfies, we can make use of a physical shutter, which will allow us, without having to see the screen and touch the shutter, to take the photo using the volume keys. In addition, if you have the iPhone SE version or later, you can use the peculiar feature of Live Photos, obtaining your image and at the same time the memory in motion of when you took it.


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