Know normal processor temperature and how to lower cpu temperature

Table of contents:
- Why the processor and electronic components get hot
- So why doesn't it burn due to temperatures
- How to Measure the Correct Temperature on a CPU
- What is the normal temperature in a processor
- What happens if the temperature exceeds Tj Max
- Know the temperature of my CPU
- From Windows 10 and with free programs
- Know CPU temperature from BIOS
- How to lower the CPU temperature
- Conclusion and interesting links
The hardware of today's computers has little to do with what we had just a few years ago, knowing the normal temperature of the processor and knowing how to lower the temperature of the CPU will help us detect possible cooling problems in our PC and thus avoid premature deaths of these expensive components.
Index of contents
Processors ranging from 4 cores to 32, clock frequencies up to 5 GHz or overclocking capacity, are some of the features presented by the new generation of processors from both Intel and AMD. Paying more than 300 euros for one of these units is reason enough to have them controlled at all times in terms of temperatures. So in this little article we will see when we should alert ourselves and take measures regarding abnormal temperatures in our hardware components.
Why the processor and electronic components get hot
Perhaps many of you do not know about the Joule effect on electronic components, but it is the reason for this heating, among others. The Joule effect is a thermodynamic phenomenon whereby, if an electric current flows through electrons in a conductor, part of the kinetic energy generated by their movement is transformed into heat.
If we add to this the intense clock frequencies of current electronic chips and the amount of information that passes through them in the form of electrical energy, it causes the temperature in these components to skyrocket, until they reach values of up to 100 degrees even with built-in heatsinks.
In a PC there are many micro chips, for example, the chipset or south bridge, sound card, network card, BIOS, etc. All of them heat up, just like the motherboard itself due to this joule effect, but without a doubt the one that should worry us the most is the processor heating, because it is the most powerful and fast element.
So why doesn't it burn due to temperatures
At this point we could build on the first and second principles of thermodynamics. Basically they explain that two or more systems always tend to be in thermal equilibrium with each other (zero principle), basic to define the temperature. And the principle of conservation of energy, states that a system can exchange energy with the environment around it in the form of work and heat (principle one).
We do not say this for pleasure, as it is the reason why a heatsink is capable of cooling an electronic chip so that it does not burn due to temperature. Increasing the heat exchange surface is basic, and this is achieved by installing a metal surface with high thermal conductivity on top of the CPU enclosure (IHS). In this way the heat will tend to go to the coldest area to achieve thermal balance.
In turn, it will have multiple fins so that a forced or natural air current can flow through them to collect this heat, once again to try to achieve thermal balance. The result? A drastic drop in CPU core temperatures to help keep you alive and running. In small heatsinks it is essential that there is a forced air flow caused by a fan to prevent the heatsink from storing all the heat. There are also liquid cooling systems where a closed liquid circuit acts to collect the heat and transfer it to a radiator that will be in charge of cooling it.
How to Measure the Correct Temperature on a CPU
As you may have noticed, several different elements intervene in the processor dissipation system and it is very important to know which of them is going to give us the temperature that we must take into account when considering a hot or cold CPU.
For this, we already have an article that explains very well the different temperatures of a processor:
Processor temperature: What are Tj Max, Tcase and Tunion?
In it we can know that the temperature that really interests us is Tunion, which is measured directly inside the processing cores. Tcase, the temperature of the IHS is usually about 10 degrees below the internal, while Tj Max, will be the maximum temperature that a CPU supports.
What is the normal temperature in a processor
Knowing the above, we can already see what temperature we can consider normal in a CPU, and for this we will have to differentiate between the AMD and Intel processors, since due to their architecture and design they will be able to generate more or less temperatures and will also withstand more or less less.
Normal temperature (Tunion)
In desktop computers, we will always consider a normal temperature for a CPU, be it Intel or AMD, between 30 and 40ºC while it is in idle state. For normal use, executing simple tasks that are not games, we can consider a good temperature between 40 and 55ºC. If we demand more running high performance games, we could be between 55 and 65ºC.
Everything will also depend on the ambient temperature in which we are, in the middle of August in Malaga we could have about 30 indoors so it is not unreasonable to obtain records of 70 or 75 degrees while we play.
If we move to laptops, our demands must be more flexible, especially in new generation laptops that are good barbecues. In fact, gaming equipment with 8th and 9th generation Intel usually ranges between 30 and 50 degrees in idle state (with good cooling), reaching up to 80-90 degrees while playing or with poor cooling.
Maxims (Tj Max)
In the Intel processor range, they typically have models that withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees on laptop models and unlocked models (K and HK). Newer 7th, 8th and 9th generation Intel Core desktop models withstand up to 95 and 100 degrees, while older generations range from 70 to 80 ° C. Intel XEON processors withstand between 70 and 80ºC and new generation X and XE processors rise to 95ºC.
If we go to the AMD range, we have its current Ryzen range with all its chips unlocked and that withstand temperatures between 95 and 105ºC. In the case of AMD FX we will have maximum temperatures of only 60 or 70 degrees. For their part, the Athlon bear about 95ºC, while the Threadripper only withstand maximum temperatures of 68ºC.
Of course there are many models and generations, so if you want to know a specific model, it is best to look it up on the manufacturers' websites. At and you can search for your processor model and know this information.
What happens if the temperature exceeds Tj Max
Well if our computer is old, possibly the CPU burns, although for quite a few years here the processors and the motherboards have protection systems that lower the voltage and intensity that circulates through the CPU to avoid further heating. It's what is called Thermal Throttling and it basically limits the CPU power to exceed a temperature threshold that is normally in the 90s for new generation laptops and desktops.
What is Thermal Throttling and what is it for?
If this protection system is not enough, the computer will directly shut down or restart as protection, which is basically what older computers do.
Know the temperature of my CPU
Now it is time for the practical part, and we will learn how to know the temperature of our computer from Windows 10, without having to enter the BIOS and with some simple and free programs.
From Windows 10 and with free programs
We already have an article that develops this topic quite completely, with examples and the best free programs.
Visit the article how to know the PC temperature in Windows 10
Know CPU temperature from BIOS
If for some reason our PC does not start, or immediately shuts down when entering Windows, we could suspect that it is a temperature problem. The easy way to check this assumption is to go into the BIOS and look at the CPU temperature from there.
To do this we will have to press the BIOS access key as soon as the computer starts. In most current BIOSes it will be the DEL key , F2, F12 or even ESC. Right at the start, a message will appear on the screen: “ Press
In the new BIOS, the temperature appears directly on the main screen, as is the case with Asus. Otherwise, we will have to go to " Advanced Mode " and look for the section or tab of " Monitor " and there we will find the information we are looking for.
How to lower the CPU temperature
If during this article you have verified that your CPU has a higher temperature than what we specify here, and close to its TJ Max, it is time to act, because, even if you are prepared for it, prolonged high temperatures can shorten the life of the CPU.
Time to do a thorough cleaning
The biggest cause of temperature rises is the buildup of dirt on the heatsink and fan. At least once a year, it is good to open the PC chassis and give it a thorough cleaning, including removing the heatsink and cleaning each of its fins with some liquid. The powder prevents heat from escaping into the air and can raise the temperature up to 20 or 30 degrees.
Change the thermal paste and check that the heatsink is properly placed
Over time, the thermal paste, if it is of poor quality, dries and exhibits resistance to the passage of heat between the IHS and the heatsink. Every two or three years it is good to change the thermal compound that unites these two elements.
Also, it's good to check that the heatsink screws haven't loosened and come off the processor.
Decreases CPU performance
This will already be done by the system for us, but we still have custom possibilities from the operating system itself. Let's see how to limit the CPU power in Windows 10.
The protagonist will be the energy configuration profile that we can easily locate in the control panel or by directly typing " energy " in Start.
Well, in the configuration window that will appear, we will click on " change the
In this, we will go to the end of the options to find the section related to the power management of the processor. We have four options to modify, among which are the core load limitation, minimum load and maximum load. Placing in the latter, for example, 50% we will already be setting a limit on performance and, consequently, on temperature.
Improves the cooling of the chassis
Intel processors already know that they come with a heatsink that leaves a lot to be desired, so we always recommend acquiring one of greater benefits if we live in a hot area or if we expect to subject it to major stress processes.
But it is also important to ensure the air flow in the chassis, establishing an air inlet and also an outlet, as far as possible. We will always try that the front area is the air intake, or the lower area, while the rear area will be the outlet or, where appropriate, the upper area. We must know that hot air weighs less, so it will tend to rise upwards and in this way we are ensuring correct convection.
In the case of laptops, especially gaming, the best thing to do is to acquire a cooling base that improves air flow into the equipment. The lack of space, together with the great power of the new 9th generation Core make laptops warm up dramatically.
Conclusion and interesting links
Thus we conclude our article on knowing the normal temperature of a CPU and on how to lower the temperature of the CPU. Our recommendation is to always pay attention to the temperature and condition of our processor and other hardware. Only in this way can we extend the life of our computer to the maximum, since, like any product, they also need maintenance.
Now we leave you with a few interesting articles on the subject, in addition to the guides that come as a ring to your finger on this subject.
We hope this article has been useful to you, or at least to learn something you did not know yet. For anything, we are almost always available in the comment box and on the hardware forum.
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