Samsung and xiaomi benefit from huawei bad moment

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Huawei's sales are already beginning to suffer in some markets. In several countries in Europe we are seeing how consumers are betting on other brands. This is something that there are a couple of brands are taking great advantage of. It seems that consumers are choosing Samsung and Xiaomi phones in this case. Which helps the two brands to sell more these weeks.
Samsung and Xiaomi benefit from Huawei's bad moment
Huawei loses ground in the United Kingdom, with a drop of 50%. Globally, it is estimated that it has already fallen by 26% in the last week. A bad time for the company.
Huawei bad time
Therefore, we see how consumers bet on other brands on Android. They are passed on to two direct competitors of Huawei in this case. Samsung and Xiaomi are the ones that are seeing the interest of consumers rise the most. Both in sales and searches on the phones of the two brands. Which undoubtedly allows them to be improving their figures in these weeks.
We do not know how long this situation will last for Huawei. An agreement between China and the United States could end all of the company's problems, so that its sales would rise again.
In this way, with this drop in sales, Samsung will surely reinforce its leadership in the market and we will also see that Xiaomi can grow remarkably, since it is seen as a brand that can replace Huawei, by consumers.
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Samsung benefits from huawei's bad reputation

Samsung benefits from Huawei's bad reputation. Find out more about the bad moment of Huawei taken advantage of by Samsung.
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