Graphics Cards

Prototype nvidia graphics card shown with impressive features

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Reddit user ' dustinbrooks ' has shown a photo of a prototype Nvidia graphics card, it is a very high performance product, with no less than three 8-pin power connectors. All a demonstration of what can be achieved when consumption does not matter.

Prototype of Nvidia graphics card appears

This prototype of Nvidia's graphics card features three 8-pin PCI-Express power inputs and a large VRM configuration with four fans, making it clear that its power consumption is very very high, targeting 525W. There are also twelve GDDR6 memory chips located around the GPU solder balls, these chips are 8 Gbit GDDR6 manufactured by Micron, and specified for a speed of 14 Gb / s with a voltage of 1.35 V. With twelve chips, you get a 384-bit memory bus and 12 GB VRAM with a bandwidth of 672 GB / s, overwhelmingly exceeding the 484 GB / s offered by Vega 64 and GTX 1080 Ti.

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At the upper edge of the PCB there is a connector similar to NVLink, although it is missing half of its pins, which means that it will not be possible to chain more than two cards. It could also be a new type of SLI connector, something that seems unlikely since GPU vendors want to get rid of the multi-GPU approach.

The large number of test points and jumpers suggest that this board is used to test and rate performance and power consumption without restriction, so that engineers and marketing can then decide on acceptable power and performance targets for final products.

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Graphics Cards

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