Google online voting system in search results

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A new patent filed by Google gives evidence that the search giant's plans to add surveys to its search results. The appeal, according to the report, would be used as a way to better understand what users mean when doing subjective research, as "the best singer in the world." The Google Voting System allows each user to choose their vote with an answer and clicking on the options.
Google voting system
To vote, you have to be active to log into an account with Google and, depending on the question, you can choose more than one multiple choice answer. You can then share the result of the vote on social media.
The choice of the best results will be displayed at the top of the search page. The Internet giant's system would be similar to other polls, such as Twitter, but it is not known if this will allow users to create their own questions or interact in other ways.
Google's goal with the tool is not yet clear, but developers' concern with system security suggests that voting could be used as a tool for more serious polls such as the election to public office, for example.
The Google patent application has not yet been granted by the regulatory body and the system was examined in December 2013, but was only revealed to the public on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. It is unclear if Google still has plans to implement the feature in searches and even when this could happen.
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