Solution for Outlook 2007 error: Microsoft Office Outlook cannot be started. the outlook window cannot be opened.

A few days ago I ran into the following error: “Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Unable to open Outlook window ”. It appeared just after starting the Microsoft Office 2007 post manager.
It is not necessary to reinstall Office (because it will not work), we simply must follow the following introductions:
In Windows XP:
" Start -> run ". We will see a dialog box and write: " Outlook.exe / resetnavpane" and press "OK".
In Windows Vista / Windows 7:
" Start -> All Programs -> Accessories à Execute ". A dialog box will appear and we will copy: " Outlook.exe / resetnavpane" (without the quotes) and click "OK".
The error disappears and Outlook 2007 starts.
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