
Spotify will allow you to share music with friends in groups

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Spotify is working on many changes, which will be introduced shortly. A new function that should arrive in a few months to the application is the possibility of sharing music with groups of friends . Groups can be created and songs or playlists can be shared with them. In addition, these people will have the possibility of entering songs in said list.

Spotify will allow you to share music with friends

It is a function with which they have already started to do the first tests. But at the moment it is unknown when it will be launched officially. So we will have to wait a while longer.

New feature

This new function that Spotify is going to launch in a while will be called Social Listening. A name that makes it clear to us what the show is going to do, which is to be able to share this music with other friends, while we are listening to it. Without a doubt, it can be a good way to share songs with other people, or create lists where songs from all the members are entered.

At the moment it seems that it will be introduced in the app on Android. We do not know if it will be a function that will also reach the computer, or if it will be limited to its version for phones. We will have to wait to know more.

So we will be watching for news that comes about this feature on Spotify. It shouldn't take too long, considering that the first tests are underway. Surely in a few months it will be official.

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