Star wars battlefront beta now available to download at origin

If you are eager to try the new Star Wars Battlefront video game, you can now download the beta so you do not lose a second when the game is unlocked to play.
The Star Wars Battlefront beta is now available to download on Origin weighing approximately 11GB. In 7 hours and 30 minutes the game will be unlocked to be played so you can go forward and leave it downloaded so you don't waste time.
May the Force be with you.
Command & conquer red alert 2 and yuri's revenge now available again free at origin

EA's Origin platform returns Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge video games completely free of charge
New geforce 358.50 whql drivers for star wars battlefront beta

Nvidia has released a new version of its graphics drivers that include optimizations for the new Star Wars Battlefront Beta video game.
Am catalyst 15.11.1 beta now available for download

AMD has released its new Catalyst 15.11.1 Beta graphics drivers to support the latest titles on the market