
Geforce card prices rise due to cryptocurrency mining

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As with AMD Radeon RX 400 and RX 500 series cards, NVIDIA cards are becoming increasingly rare due to the current high interest in cryptocurrency mining.

Although the price increase is relatively low, some specific models of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 cards cost about $ 30 more than their recommended retail price, which doesn't sound too bad. However, the GTX 1070 went from $ 380 to $ 470, and there are even stores that sell these models for more than $ 600.

Stores like Newegg only list two 3GB versions of the GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card, with prices exceeding the recommended retail price of $ 200 by about $ 30. There are still 6GB GTX 1060 cards, but they all sell at higher prices, reports PCWorld.

Cryptocurrency mining is to blame

The prices of consumer graphics cards are rising mainly due to the economic bubbles that cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Zcash have become, which rely on the power of the GPU to function and generate money.

Users interested in mining currently have it very difficult or practically impossible if they want to mount a PC Gaming without spending too much money.

Among other things, it is also rumored that NVIDIA could be preparing a graphics card especially geared towards cryptocurrency mining, but until these cards hit the market, the only thing you can do to find cheaper hardware components is trying to test the market for second hand. Even in this way, many users with second-hand graphics cards have started increasing their prices in response to overwhelming demand.


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