
Tutorial to delete temporary spotify files

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Spotify is a streaming music service that allows us to listen to our songs without the need to download them, although this is not really so. Although the user does not notice it, when the songs are played they are downloaded in temporary files (cache) on our computer, some files that accumulate on our disk as we listen to songs.

Steps to remove temporary Spotify files

Although Spotify by default marks that temporary files cannot occupy more than 10% of the capacity of our hard disk, they can also mean several gigabits of useless data. Now we are going to see how we can delete these files and free up space on our computer.

  • The first step is to enter Settings within Spotify and click the Show advanced settings button to show us all the options of the application.

  • Next we will see a series of adjustments within the configuration and among them the Caché section. In this section we will be able to see the path of the disk where all the temporary files are stored.

  • Spotify does not have an option to empty the cache automatically so we are going to have to open Windows Explorer and go to that location. By default in Windows it is \ Users \ User \ AppData \ Local \ Spotify \ Storage and in Mac \ User \ User \ Library \ Application Support \ Spotify \ PersistentCache \ Storage , there we can delete all content without fear, it does not affect the operation of Spotify in the least.

From the Spotify cache options what we can do is change the location of the temporary files, for example, to a new drive that has more storage space if we see that the C: drive is at the limit.

I hope you find it useful and see you next time.


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