
Twitter will continue its fight against trolls and bots

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Twitter has been one of the protagonists of the day on Friday. The social network has presented its quarterly results, which have shown a decrease in the number of users. Considering that they have been closing accounts on a large scale for months, it is not surprising. But this is not something that your investors end up liking.

Twitter will continue its fight against trolls and bots

Therefore, there are voices that want the social network to stop closing so many accounts. But from the management they do not see it that way and they will continue fighting against bots, trolls and false accounts. They are not going to stop doing this.

Twitter will continue closing accounts

Despite this decrease in the number of users, things seem to be going better with the social network. Although this decline has been something that has generated much concern among Twitter investors. Therefore, the shares fell by 20% yesterday afternoon. And despite this, the leaders of the social network have no intention of stopping these tasks.

One of the keys to improving the user experience on Twitter is to end up with fake accounts, trolls and bots. Furthermore, these types of accounts have been responsible in situations such as the American elections. And the company doesn't want to go through this again.

So for the next few months we will continue to see how millions of accounts are closed, to end these false and unintentional accounts. We will see if the social network announces new measures in this regard.

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