
Twitter against hate speech based on religion

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Hate content is easily spread on social networks like Twitter. For this reason, the company behind the social network has been taking all kinds of measures against this type of content for some time. Now they announce new measures, after having announced that it would eliminate all those videos that promoted racial superiority and denied the Holocaust.

Twitter against hate speech based on religion

Hate crimes based on religion are another big problem. So the social network gets down to work to try to remove all these contents from it. New measures to fight them.

Changes in the social network

That is why, from now on, Twitter is going to demand the immediate removal of all content that dehumanizes other people or entire groups based on their religion or beliefs. Until now, these accounts were not suspended or there was not always any penalty for the users behind these accounts. From now on this policy is changed and there will be measures against these accounts.

Such accounts may be suspended, either temporarily or permanently. This is something that will depend on each case, especially if an account bases its activity on sharing hate messages. So they will be more proactive in this case.

A series of measures with which Twitter hopes to minimize this type of content. They know that it is one of their biggest problems, with which they have been struggling for some time. So it remains to be seen whether or not what the social network hopes to achieve really happens or not.

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