
Exploit in ps4 kernel opens doors to jailbreak

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A developer named Specter has released a PS4 console kernel exploit on GitHub, opening the door for hackers to run arbitrary code on the console, a first step to jailbreaking or other kernel-level modifications of the operating system.

PS4 Kernel Vulnerability Found

The exploit does not contain any code related to the elution of the anti - piracy system of the PS4 or running a homebrew software, despite this , the door is opened for other hackers to create such mechanisms that allow the execution of backup copies of the platform's video games. For now this exploit works on firmware 4.05, which is not the most recent firmware version of the console, although it is possible that this hack could be carried forward to future updates.

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Most console manufacturers lock their hardware to protect their systems from hacking and prevent unauthorized software from being used within their hardware ecosystem. Specture specifically did not release any code related to the anti-piracy mechanisms of the PS4 or to running homebrew software to avoid legal problems.

It remains to be seen if this exploit will end up opening the doors to piracy or not, if this is the case, the measures taken by Sony itself to avoid it will have to be taken into account, in the case of PS3 there was a risk of banning the online service in case of using custom firmwares to load backup copies. On the other hand, piracy helped a lot to make PSX and PS2 the best-selling consoles of their respective generations.

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