
Whatsapp will add a way to take better night photos

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WhatsApp has just been updated recently, but the application is already preparing the news that they will include in future updates. One of them has been revealed, which sure many users like. WhatsApp is preparing a way to take better photos at night.

WhatsApp will add a way to take better night photos

Everyone knows the difficulty of taking photos at night, given the low light. The instant messaging app knows this too, so they are currently developing this new night mode.

New night mode on WhatsApp

Taking photos at night is complicated, although as many of you may already know, it is worse to take them with an application directly. That is, it is worse to take a photo at night with WhatsApp than with the normal camera. Despite that, with these improvements, the application expects users to bet on using it to take photos at night.

WhatsApp hopes to have this night mode ready very soon. Especially, because Google has been working on improving night photos for a while, so if Google presents it before, WhatsApp's chances of having any success can be clearly reduced.

At the moment we do not know anything about the possible presentation date of this night mode in the application. Nor about its operation, although it is expected to be the typical function of reducing noise and adding light through software. We hope to have more news from the company soon about this new night mode. What do you think? Will this night mode be a success?


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