
Whatsapp introduces the picture-in mode

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WhatsApp has been introducing quite a few new features this year. And now, for Android users, a feature has been announced for weeks for the messaging app. Picture in picture mode has already come true. In this way, users will be able to videos, like when someone sends you a link, without leaving the app.

WhatsApp introduces picture-in-picture mode on Android

Several months ago this function was already seen in the beta of the app. But at that time nothing was said about the date on which it was to be officially entered into it. Finally, it is already a reality.

WhastApp with picture in picture

Since the beginning of this year, there was already talk about WhatsApp plans to introduce this function. Although it has almost had to end the year until the function has been officially introduced. After a fairly long testing period, users on Android can make use of this picture in picture mode in the app on their devices. The update has already been released later this week.

A function that has been expected for a long time. In addition, the use of it has been much normalized since Android Oreo was launched, in which it comes natively. So it is normal that the apps have been incorporating it.

Thus, when you watch a video, you will get a screen with that video. In this way, you can watch the video and continue using the app at the same time. What do you think of the new feature on WhatsApp?

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