
WhatsApp promises not to share your data with Facebook (for now)

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Four years ago, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook. Although at this time they have been kept on the IBM Cloud and not on the Facebook servers. But for a long time it has been commented that this will happen soon. It seems that this transition will start soon. This would mean that user data is shared between both platforms. Something that generates a lot of controversy. Although it seems that at the moment it will not happen.

WhatsApp promises not to share your data with Facebook (for now)

An investigation was carried out in the United Kingdom. Finally, it has been confirmed that WhatsApp and Facebook are not going to be fined for sharing information about users. But, the messaging application has promised not to share users' personal data with Facebook.

WhatsApp and Facebook will not share data

Although, it must be said that this decision will be temporary. So until the regulations are complied with it will not be carried out. But the moment the legal requirements are met, then it will be possible for both platforms to share your data. So it seems like it's a matter of waiting. The decision not to fine companies is right in that they have done nothing illegal.

Furthermore, they have pledged to paralyze this cross-platform data cross-check until they conform to UK legal framework. Although these regulations currently in force in the country extend to Europe. Since it will take effect in the month of May. So the social network will have to adjust to this new regulation.

Therefore, at the moment WhatsApp and Facebook have not committed any violation of the privacy of users. Although the data crossing has been paralyzed. So we assume that it will take a few months to present the changes that will allow them to finally carry out this transition.

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