
Windows 10 mobile needs more resources

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Microsoft has silently modified the requirements that any computer must have to be able to download the new Windows 10 Mobile, which previously needed 512 Mb of RAM and 4Gb of disk space and now they have increased it to 1Gb of RAM and 8 Gb hard disk.

These new hardware requirements were updated by NPU for all Smartphone that require updating the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.

Windows 10 Mobile will now require more space on your device

The surprising thing is that before the Windows 10 operating system was released to the market, Microsoft stated that the hardware requirements would be much lower than expected and I am happy to many users to learn that a super processor was not necessary to use it..

However, after having been launched and having overcome various operational obstacles, we are now presented with this complication that complicates life for those who require installing Windows 10 on their mobile phones or other compatible devices.

Be sure to see the next post How to free up hard drive space in Windows 10

But this modification has an ace up its sleeve, since with this necessary expansion of memory and space on the hard disk, it will allow Windows 10 to be more stable.

What worries is that users who already had the Microsoft operating system installed on their phones with 512 Mb memory, should suffer the consequences of their bad run and if possibilities of entering the list of devices that will be allowed to download.

We understand that the Microsoft team is going through an extensive process of testing and improvements in order to polish the details that have emerged, but what is certain is that this sudden news raises suspicions of the changes that could come, so it is recommended to be vigilant before another possible statement.


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