
Windows 10 coming soon to raspberry pi 3? depends on microsoft

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Raspberry Pi 3 is a mini-PC that can be used on a wide range of devices on a daily basis. Mostly used by students and amateurs, Raspberry Pi 3 has the potential to become a very popular computer as long as Microsoft is committed to offering Windows 10 as an option.

Raspberry Pi 3 can currently run the limited Windows IO Core

This mini-PC already runs Windows 10 IO Core, a reduced version of Windows 10 for the Internet of Things that was initially released for the Raspberry Pi 2. Raspberry Pi 3 is already being used to provide computing power on devices Smart, like robots and drones, and the Windows 10 operating system could help this team reach other fields.

Despite its size, this mini-PC has a 64-bit ARM processor, Wi-Fi connectivity, and a high-definition graphics processor. All it takes to become more popular with users is a popular operating system with a user-friendly interface, like Windows 10.

Windows 10 does not support ARM processors

The problem is that the Windows 10 used by the vast majority of computers is not compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3. Windows 10 only supports x86 processors, while Windows 10 Mobile only supports Qualcomm- based ARM processors.

In other words, if Microsoft wants to bring Windows 10 to Raspberry Pi 3, it will need to make major changes to the system core that makes it 100% compatible with ARM processors.

Raspberry Pi 3: A tiny but very complete PC

So far, the partnership between Microsoft and Raspberry has been a success, but it appears that the tech giant is not interested in directing resources to a Raspberry Pi 3- compatible version of Windows 10. Perhaps the Redmond giant will do so after the Anniversary Update that is released on August 2, as the company's resources are aimed primarily at improving the Windows 10 user experience for PC and mobile.

"It depends on Microsoft's decision. I wish Microsoft could do it. I would love to see it, "said Raspberry founder Eben Upton.

Currently a Raspberry Pi 3 can be purchased for $ 49.99 from Microsoft's own.


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