
Windows 10 Redstone 3 will allow copy and paste from one device to another

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Microsoft announced during its Build 2017 developer conference the so-called “ cloud-powered clipboard, ” a new feature that allows copy and paste between multiple devices.

Although previously Windows users were able to do this through third-party apps, now Microsoft has also decided to integrate this feature into its operating system.

Windows 10 Redstone 3 will bring a clipboard connected to the cloud

Basically, the new feature will allow you to copy content from a specific device and then paste it to another device that is connected with the same Microsoft account.

"This will work in Windows 10 without developers having to modify their applications. However, it will be possible to enrich this function ”, declared Joe Belfiore in Build 2017.

Users will be able to paste the content using the keyboard or via the context menu, and these APIs will be available to everyone in the near future, according to Belfiore.

The new cloud-connected clipboard for Windows 10 has its origins in OneClip, a Microsoft Garage application that was developed as an experimental tool very well received by the community.

The most interesting thing is that the new clipboard tool will work on all devices and not only with Windows, since Microsoft will also provide support for mobiles, including Android terminals and iPhones. As usual, nothing has been mentioned about Windows Phone, but there should be no problem with enabling this feature on Windows 10 Mobile as well.

"With the Creators Update this fall, Windows 10 will love all of your devices, " said Belfiore.

This new feature will initially be made available to insiders in the upcoming Windows 10 Redstone 3 build, and all users will be able to make use of it when the Falls Creators Update (Redstone 3) arrives this fall.


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