Windows 10 already surpasses windows 7 in some countries

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Windows 10 is no longer free from July 29, however that is not holding back its adoption by users. The latest data being provided by StatCounter shows that in some countries Windows 10 is already outperforming Windows 7 in the number of users who use it.
WIndows 10 is already a leader in some European countries
The data correspond to the first two weeks of October and show some very interesting data.
In Norway Windows 10 is outperforming Windows 7 in market share, reaching 36.41%, while Windows 7 remains in second place with 27.87%, Mac Os X surprises in third place with 19.63 %.
In the next Scandinavian country, Denmark, we have a similar case. Windows 10 breaks the 40% barrier and Mac OS X ranks second with 23.15% usage. A curious info in both cases is that Windows XP is missing in action and does not appear in the lists, but Windows 98 does!
A data like this has never been given until now, and that is that, surpassing Windows 7 seems like a utopia for its own creators, since it is present in more than 40% of computers around the world. With the information that we know at the time of writing these lines, Windows 7 reaches 40% of world market share, while Windows already owns 22% of the pie.
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