
Word will use artificial intelligence to make you write better

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Microsoft seeks to introduce artificial intelligence into several of its products. One of them is Word, about which they wanted to give more details. In the case of the document editor, the AI ​​is going to be integrated in a way that helps the user to write better. It is sought that the writing and the structure of the documents is favored in this way.

Word will use artificial intelligence to make you write better

In this way, while you are writing, suggestions will be received. They will do it through Ideas, which is something that the company has already integrated into Excel or PowerPoint.

Microsoft bets on artificial intelligence

Microsoft considers that a large part of the users do not know the many tools that exist to be able to endow the document with the adequate structure. Therefore, with the help of AI, it should be much easier for users to be able to use them. Since it will show you suggestions to use them when you see that the structure of the document can be better.

On the other hand, Word is also expected to show spelling corrections, ideas to rewrite some sentences, use clear language or grammar suggestions, among others. Everything to make the text better.

Word is expected to introduce these developments in June. Although initially they will be in the testing phase, so it may take a few months to have a stable version available. We will be attentive to its launch and the operation that the AI ​​will give in the document editor.

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