
Xbox one x has already been converted to a portable console

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After the launch of a new desktop game console, it usually doesn't take long for the best modders to surprise the community with modifications to their aesthetics and / or functionality. The new Xbox One X has already been converted to a portable console.

Modders have already made the Xbox One X “portable”

Little time has had to pass from the launch of the Xbox One X until it has been heavily modified to a point that it almost becomes a portable console. To convert the Xbox One X into a portable console the first step has been to add a screen, this has been done by a ViewSonic monitor with a size of 21 inches and a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, which will allow us to enjoy a Very good image quality, although it does not exploit the 4K capabilities of the console. Other modifications have consisted of integrating a sound system and a keyboard.

"XBOX One X has the graphics power of a GTX 1080" according to Anton Yudintsev

After all these modifications, the console has been named Xbook One X by its creator Edward Zarick, the total cost amounts to approximately $ 2, 500 and to access it, an advance of $ 1, 000 will have to be paid since the units will be manufactured on demand.

The bad thing is that no type of battery is included so the console has to be connected to the electrical network to function, something that is understood given its high power consumption. That is why it makes little sense as a portable console, more when the weight of the whole set will be very high.


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