
And the dreaded day arrived: Amazon raises the price of prime in Spain

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Throughout this year, and especially after the arrival of the streaming video service in our country, rumors of the possible price increase of Amazon Prime in Spain have been rumored. Well, that moment has already arrived: since last Friday, August 32, Amazon Prime has a minimum cost of 36.00 euros per year.

Amazon Prime: an upload not as desired as expected

Although it is difficult to understand that someone had not seen it coming for many months (perhaps more than a year), the rise in price of Amazon Prime in Spain has caught by surprise. The internet sales giant, logically, has not made any prior notice, with the clear objective of avoiding an avalanche of new subscribers in the immediate hours of the price rise.

It was on the night of August 30 to 31 when Amazon almost doubled the price of its Prime service in Spain. Thus, for new subscribers, and also for those who have to renew their subscription since Friday, Amazon Prime has raised its cost to € 36 per year, from the € 19.95 that it had been costing until now.

By cons, the cost of the monthly subscription is maintained, valued at 4.99 euros per month. In this sense, the annual payment represents a saving of 40%, equivalent to 3.00 euros per month (a couple of euros of savings each month).

This new measure is NOT accompanied by new services, at least for the moment. The current benefits remain: free shipping and free one-day shipping (for products sold by Amazon), Amazon Prime Video, Prime Music and Prime Reading, free and unlimited storage of your photos, etc.

If we examine all the services offered, the Amazon Prime price increase may even be logical. Now, the convenience or not of maintaining this subscription will depend on the use made by each of the users. In my case, for example, it is no longer a service you want to pay for.


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