
You can now download up to 10,000 Spotify songs on your device

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The battle for the streaming music segment continues and now Spotify, for the time being the undisputed king of the sector, goes one step further by increasing the limit of downloads that users can make on their devices to listen to their favorite music without the need for having to be connected to a WiFi network or consume data from your rates.

Up to 50, 000 songs offline with Spotify

Through The Verge, we have learned that Spotify has increased the maximum number of offline downloads that a paying user is allowed, as well as the number of phones and computers that can store this music.

It was Rolling Stone magazine that discovered that the limit of downloaded songs to listen offline has been raised to 10, 000 tracks per device. Until that change occurred, the download limit was set at 3, 333 songs per device, representing an increase of 300% per device.

Another interesting move made by Spotify refers to the maximum number of devices on which users can store their downloaded music. Previously, users could download songs for offline listening on up to three devices, which meant they could have a maximum of 9, 999 offline tracks per account. That limit has been raised to five devices per user.

Together, both innovations imply that from now on, each user can store up to a total of 50, 000 songs with a maximum limit of five devices and 10, 000 songs per device.

After the discovery, Spotify itself confirmed the news to Rolling Stone magazine:

What will be the next step than Spotify? How will your competitors, mainly Apple Music, react?


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