Youtube now supports 360 degree videos

It was only a matter of time and, as promised, YouTube announced that it now supports 360-degree videos. Site users can watch the videos through the Android app and move the smarthone or tablet around itself at different angles caught by the same video. They can also do the same on or videos using Google Chrome, by hovering the mouse to drag the desired point of view. Producing content is a new alternative.
"You can let viewers see the stage and the audience for your show, " suggests YouTube. The function is similar to Google Maps Navigation . "You only know what is possible."
"This is why today we are starting to carry 360 degree video uploads on YouTube, to continue to provide the best resources to connect with your fans, " explains Google.
According to Google, YouTube is working to generate the 360 videos for iPhone, iPad and other devices soon. See Playlist of 360 degree Videos, with several of them in 360 degrees.
360 degree cameras
According to YouTube, the 360cam Giroptic, IC Real Tech Allie, Kodak and Ricoh SP360 Theta cameras are compatible with 360-degree video cameras that are available today or are coming soon. Therefore, it will be easier to produce videos in this format using the appropriate cameras.
Google also suggests an easy read of technical information about the new video format, along with using the script to execute on the video file and insert the correct metadata. The process is not automatic, but should improve over time, the YouTube blog promised.
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