
Youtube will help creators see if their videos are stolen

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Many users upload original content to YouTube. But unfortunately, many of these videos are stolen and / or plagiarized by other people. Luckily, the website itself now introduces a tool to help these users. This is Copyright Match, which is expected to be introduced next week on the video website.

YouTube will help creators see if their videos are stolen

Thanks to it, creators with more than 100, 000 followers will be able to see if there is someone who steals these videos to use them below. Thus, they can be aware of what is happening at all times.

YouTube fights against illegal content

When the user in question uploads a video to YouTube, the page will be in charge of scanning said video. Next, they will check if there are other videos on the platform that are the same or that have many similarities with the original video. If so, the content creator himself will see that there has been a “match” and then he will have the last word.

They can do nothing, ask YouTube directly to remove such content, or contact the person who uploaded the duplicate video to ask for explanations. Since there may be cases that are solved in this way. The user will have the decision.

Over the coming week, the feature is expected to be made available to all content creators with more than 100, 000 followers / subscribers on their channel. A very useful tool for all of them.

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