
Youtube makes it more difficult to earn money with new measures

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YouTube has confirmed that they are going to introduce changes aimed at making it difficult to monetize their users' videos, raising the threshold from which content can be monetized. It is not the first time that the popular Google platform introduces changes to try to fight against those who make money with inappropriate content.

YouTube will require 1, 000 subscribers to monetize

This measure comes after YouTube last April established the eligibility requirement of YPP (YouTube Partner Program) at 10, 000 views, with the intention of preventing bad content from damaging the platform. This measure came after seeing how some channels were uploading videos about dangerous content such as terrorist videos and improperly edited children's cartoons to make money.

Now YouTube will require a minimum of 1, 000 subscribers and 4, 000 hours of video playback in the last 12 months for content to be monetized. When a channel meets these two requirements, its content will be evaluated to see that it complies with the platform's policies..

YouTube says that most of the channels that are going to be demonetized have an income of less than $ 100 a year, which is why the new measures should not affect users who make the Google platform their livelihood. They even go further by affirming that 90% of those who will be demonetized do not make a profit of $ 2.5 a year, so, logically, the channel is not their livelihood.

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